
Photos and thoughts; Cars; 1950s; 1960s

Archive for July 20th, 2009

Like being there (sort of …)

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My younger sister always gets me Cape Cod Life for my birthday.  My second issue came in today’s mail.  I love reading through it, perusing the ads, the photos, the art and antiques.  It brings me back to much earlier times.  The last time I was on Cape Cod was 1984 – we rented a house for a week with the whole family.  We knew then that we’d be moving south to Florida at the new year.  I’ve been back north many times, but never back to “The Cape”.  In high school, we had a house in Wrinkle Point (Bass River).  I had a job (one of the worst!) washing dishes at the Riverview Lobster House in Yarmouth – it was close enough that I could walk to it.  I made enough money to buy a few things that summer (first madras jacket 🙂 ), but mostly what I wanted to do was just loaf – go to the beach – and just hang out (although I don’t think we said “hang out” back then).  Things took a nasty turn economically then (somewhat like these days), and my parents had to sell that house.  After I moved to Florida, my sisters continued to go to The Cape summers with their children and families.  I know they enjoyed it.

As I turn these pages – it brings me back . . .  Thank you M.A.

Cape Cod Life

Cape Cod Life

CCL inside 2

CCL inside 3

This is the tenth anniversary of John F Kennedy Jr’s passing.  I think of the Kennedys and Cape Cod Massachusetts as one.  Once our whole family went to Mass at St. Francis Xavier Church in Hyannis.  As we were leaving the Kennedys were coming in.  We took a photo – but it never came out.  That sure would have been a keeper – but eh – not in the cards.

John F Kennedy Jr

John F Kennedy Jr

When Richard Blow’s book American Son – A Portrait of John F Kennedy Jr came out in 2002 I snapped it up and read it quickly.  I was keenly interested in reading about John Jr.  I truly believe that Richard Blow was wrongly criticized for writing the book.  On the TV interview show The View – those farting hens (who never read the book) ripped Mr. Blow a “new one” and ever since I bash the show and its sagging troupe whenever the show is mentioned – they are a waste of time and airspace and provide little benefit to the public.  I remember writing to Mr. Blow through the publisher – actually thanking him for writing the book.  If he made money from it, so what, it really doesn’t matter does it?  JFK Jr is history, and history needs to be written.  Thank you again Richard!  Its a great book!

American Son - Portrait of John F Kennedy Jr

American Son - Portrait of John F Kennedy Jr